Members can now sort by cost and quality of care

May 13, 2024

Members can now sort provider and facility search results to prioritize quality of care or cost of care.

What’s new?

We've made it easier to find what you're looking for! You can now sort your search results by relevance, cost, or quality - right on the results page.

Relevance Sort (Default): Results are ordered by overall relevance, taking into account factors like in-network status, quality ratings, cost, and location. 

Cost Sort: See the most affordable options first. Results are primarily sorted by cost from lowest to highest, with relevance as a secondary factor.

Quality Sort: Prioritize high-quality care. Results are first sorted by provider/facility quality ratings from highest to lowest, with relevance as a secondary factor.

To change how your results are sorted, simply select the "Sort By" dropdown on the search results page and choose your preferred method. Easily customize your view to find the right care for your needs and budget.

Why did we make these updates?

Our goal is to make it simpler to navigate your healthcare options! Check out the new sort functionality the next time you search. 

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